Dorset Destroyers Wheelchair Rugby Club receive a Civic Award
Posted: Wed, 15 Mar 2017 11:26
In the last month, The Dorset Destroyers Wheelchair Rugby Club and their umbrella organisation Disability Sports Dorset have grown enormously. Both clubs are run by the same people but Disability Sports Dorset offers other sports apart from Wheelchair Rugby.
In February Sue Coombs, Club Secretary to both organisations was made Chair of Dorset Disability Sports Forum. Her role is to get as many disability sports club and activities to start talking to each other so people with a disability have more knowledge of these activities going on.
"It's not all about sport. We want to include leisure activities that may be available too" Sue Coombs "And we now have an opportunity to showcase many activities on Saturday July 8th from 10 till 3 at Rossmore Leisure Centre, Poole, BH12 4HR. Sean Gabriel (Centre Manager) is opening up the centre for all disability groups to have a stall and a demonstration for free".
Sue continued "It will be a great opportunity for clubs to promote themselves from across Dorset as we have many people who travel from all over Dorset to do our sessions"
On Saturday March 11th Nick and Sue were invited to the Poole Civic Awards Ceremony where they were given a Civic Award for their work with The Dorset Destroyers Wheelchair Rugby Club.
"I am totally stunned. You never set up a club thinking that you'd get an award for it! It's so fantastic to get recognition from people outside the sport as it means we're doing something right and the publicity is getting out." Nick Coombs continued "The Mayor of Poole (Cllr Xena Dion) has been following us since we did our very first event at Poole Park Legacy Games in 2014 and has come to many events to support us, which is amazing"
Sue Coombs said "The award is for everyone who has worked so very hard to get this club off the ground. Thank you"
On Sunday March 12th, The Dorset Destroyers travelled to Plymouth to play a friendly competition against West Country Hawks and Hawks Endeavour as they tried out a new variation of wheelchair rugby which comprises of 5 vs 5 (Instead of 4 vs 4) and it is open to more people with a disability.
The Dorset Destroyers came away with 2 wins and 2 losses, but it had been a great experience.
The Destroyers and the Hawks will meet again with more teams, in Bristol UWE on Easter Saturday for an official event run by the governing body GBWR to get more disabled people playing wheelchair rugby.
Every Friday Night Disability Sports Dorset run different monthly sports sessions, this week they are introducing Wheelchair Tennis (Free Taster Session) Friday March 17th and are hoping it will be as successful as the wheelchair self-defence and the disability shooting club that they also run in association with Ferndown Gun Club.
If you've ever fancied playing Wheelchair Rugby and are 18 or over, The Dorset Destroyers train every Sunday (Except Easter) at Rossmore Leisure Centre, Herbert Avenue, Poole, BH12 4HR from 11 till 2pm.
All equipment is provided. The first 4 taster sessions are free, you just need to bring a bottle of water.
To contact The Dorset Destroyers or Disability Sports Dorset, e mail or phone 07747 586006.
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